The Interimaginational Institute for Fantastical Exploration & Cartography
Friday, July 14, 2006
The delight is in the giving...
I left my camera's battery charger in California, and just received it in the mail today (thanks Mom and Aunt Joan!), but the battery is not yet charged, so I've scanned these in instead.
This is the card to go with the gift I mentioned here...
and this card will be going to another birthday girl...
Welcome! My name is Alison Murray Whittington. I am an artist and mapmaker currently living in the Tidewater area of Virginia with my husband in a wacky house built long before we were born.
I have also worked as a television producer, a journalist and a bookseller, and I have also lived in Southern California, Nevada, Philadelphia, eastern Germany and the Czech Republic.
I love bright colors, books of all sorts, quirky art, fairy tales, subtle jokes and artificial fruit flavors.
I can be reached at paintandink at gmail dot com.
Etsy is an amazing online marketplace for all things handmade. You'll find a creative community of independent artisans and shopkeepers offering the best in handmade goods, art supplies and vintage, where you can buy one of a kind items directly from the artists. And even just the window-shopping is fantastic.
Signing up is easy (and free). And while you're there, stop by my shop for a visit: The Interimaginational Institute for Fantastical Exploration & Cartography
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from radio_girl. Make your own badge here.
My Artsy Wish List
My Everything Wish List
My Blog's Weblog: Updates
My display name is now "paintandink," my blog's colors have changed, and the blog name is now what it always should have been.
But I've been guilty of not recognizing people I've known for years, so if you still don't know who I am, I'll forgive you. You might still think of me as "radiogirl," and you can always think of me as "radiogirl," if you like.
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